Pandora’s Winter Lights in the Park

Courtesy Corey Templeton Photography.

Gorgeous lighting displays by Pandora LaCasse Design have been illuminating Lincoln Park over the winter months for the last few years. The motivation is twofold: to expand the city-wide display of Pandora lights that make Portland so festive by bringing lights to the east side of the city, and to continue improving Lincoln Park to make it a vibrant city park once again. The Park’s 1870 Parisian fountain was recently flowing again, which marks another milestone in the revitalization endeavor between Friends of Lincoln Park and the City of Portland.

Pandora LaCasse designs lighting sculptures that celebrate the physical space in which they’re located, and are created specifically to engage the surrounding community. There are six of her winter displays throughout Portland: Deering Oaks Park, Longfellow Square, Congress Square, Boothby Square, Tommy’s Square, and now Lincoln Park. Learn more about her work at

The first two winters’ installation and display of Pandora’s lights in Lincoln Park were generously supported by these sponsors. Lincoln Park then became part of Portland Downtown, which supports all members’ winter light displays. We plan on adding more lights to the Park as we raise more funds to design them!

Cyrus Hagge


Roxanne Quimby Foundation