About the Friends

In 2013, the Friends of Lincoln Park was formed with the mission of restoring the park to its original condition, with the participation and support of the City of Portland. Since then, we have obtained funding from many organizations, foundations, as well as the City, which allowed enabled professional conservators and landscape architects to develop a comprehensive Master Plan for the revitalization of the park. The execution of this plan has allowed us to celebrate the completion of Phase I – the restoration of the Park’s historic fountain and period-authentic paved walkways – and move to Phase II: the restoration of the Park’s wrought iron fence and granite piers!

Trustees & Advisors

  • Frank E. Reilly, President, Board of Directors
  • Jeff Tarling, Vice-President, Board of Directors
  • Sharon Reilly, Secretary/Treasurer, Board of Directors
  • Noni Ames, Trustee
  • Deb Andews, Trustee
  • Don Head, Trustee
  • Chris Branson, Legal Advisor
  • Shelby Johnson, Social Media Advisor
  • Dave Michaud, Technical Advisor
  • Susan Morris, Marketing Advisor

Other Advisors:

  • Hilary Bassett
  • Diane Davison
  • Alison Hildreth
  • Tim Honquest
  • Sally Oldham
  • Anne Pringle
  • Earle Shettleworth